Week of: 5/10-16
This very day,
Great Mars, I put myself into thy file:
Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall prove
A lover of thy drum
Betram in Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well [III.iii.11-14]
Aries : The early part of the week dawns early and you hit the “hike and bike” trail of life for a quick workout. Careful, you don’t want to over-train this early part of the week. However, as the week begins to gather momentum, you’re going to find the sweetest little hint from the heavens that long promised romance is suddenly starting to blossom. It’s sort of like finding patch of wildflowers that are still blooming, really late in the season. And like those flowers, this late blooming love thing can fade pretty fast, if you’re not careful. Careful with the amount of energy you exercise with this late blooming, suddenly out of nowhere love thing. It might not be all that you think it is.
Taurus : There are big things stirring in Taurus right now. So much for the good news. Like a TexMex meal gone bad, though, these big things might cause indigestion. You also have Mercury making a quick flight through your sign right now, and even though Mercury is considered a little thing, it’s still a positive influence, especially on your mouth. Just be aware that you could catch the dreaded boot in mouth syndrome this week. Thank the stars for this influence. Think about what you’re going to say before you blurt it out. You’ll thank me for this tidbit of advice later. Or you’ll curse me. But I’m sure I’ll hear from you because it’s going to be one of those weeks. And yes, as long as Mars is moving in the opposite directing, no matter how nice the other planets are, you’re going to be feeling a little bit like you’ve consumed too much TexMex.
Gemini : I love Gemini’s. And Gemini’s sometime love me back. In fact, it’s about the only sign that is really compatible with my flighty nature. But this scattered approach isn’t in your best Gemini interest this week. Mars is doing his thing, and his thing and your thing sort of collide this week. It doesn’t have to be bad, but you’d be a lot better off stick to the non-combative version of the story. For some reason, I can’t conjure up an image of “Pax Gemini” but it’s time for one. So do your best to keep the peace. And with Mars still doing his thing — both for and against you — it’s a good week to stay away from live bait. Stick to the artificial kind right now.
Cancer : I know that Mars is receding like an aging man’s hairline right now, and I know that Mars is moving backwards in one of your most uncomfortable places right now. To make this little scenario that much worse, there is a really nice little tickle from Venus as she makes a strange little angle to some other planets in the heavens. What does this mean? It means don’t blow up, not that a Cancer is prone to explosive tendencies anyway, but the event that really irritates you early in the week turns out to be a benefit later in the week, provided that, and this is the key, my fine Cancer amigo, the benefit is there as long as you restrain any dramatic display of emotion. If this idea doesn’t work, borrow a line from my Scorpio friend, “Don’t get mad, get even.”
Leo : Nuances. That’s what is important this week, minor nuances. While t he heavens are conspiring to make you a little uncomfortable, if you just tune into the minor details in life, the subtle signs that there is something good happening, my excellent Leo friend, you will notice that there is a ray of hoping shining through the ugly clouds over your head. The problem with this fine line of hope is that it doesn’t show up in a direct, positive way. It’s not like a splashy media message, broadcast for everyone to see. It’s more like a quiet post it note, some one stuck on your door. Of course, the last time I received a subtle little note like this, it was held in place by a rusty razor blade. I don’t think you have that to worry about.
Virgo : The last time things were this good for Virgo, I received a variety of nasty emails from Virgo’s about how it really wasn’t this good. So, despite the fact that Mars is moving backwards, and due to a regrettably unfortunate arrangement of some minor disturbances in another sign, my chart for you still shows nothing but good things. Really. Of course, I expect the same Virgo’s to write in and tell me how wrong I am, but then, Virgo must be true to her nature. I’d much rather hear from you if it’s a good week. I would still see a certain degree of progress happening in your life, especially in a turbulent work/romance area — your fine Virgo ability to discern the real problem is going to help this week.
Libra : I was reviewing some notes for Mars this week, and there’s an obscure and seldom performed play of Shakespeare’s — the academic folks are negligent about including it in the canon because of its questionable authorship — and this one play has that cute little remark about a character who is a chicken, being born under a retrograde Mars and all. Why bother with this? Mars is moved eastward, back into Libra, and you are surely feeling the effect of Mars in fast backward motion. It’s like rewinding a video tape, viewing everything in a speeded up backwards motion this week. The images are all there, but the characters are moving in reverse. Feels like this week? Hit the pause button.
Scorpio : One of the good things about being a Scorpio, and there are many good things about Scorpio’s, is that implacable resistance to change that is not of your own making. However, that ability to resist changes and events which you don’t instigate is going to be a bit of a problem this week because there is someone who is trying to effect a change in you’re life, and this little bit of change might not be to your liking. Now, there is a chance to deal with this, and all you have to do is pretend that you like it. Or pretend that it really was your idea. It’s time for the “act as if” scenario. In the computer languages I’ve worked with, I never did find an “act as if” command — it’s always “if” and “then” and “else” — which is a structure far more fitting to a Scorpio mind set. But try the “act as if” thing this week, and see if it doesn’t help some.
Sagittarius : There’s that weird thing happening again this week. It’s a strange twist of the cosmic wheel, the inexorable way the heavens delivers its news to us humble Sagittarius… this week, just deal with it. D”Deal with the wheel,” is the term I like to use. The wheel alluded to is Fortune’s wheel, you know the lady who spins it up for some folks and down for others. Doesn’t matter where you are in the cycle, though, this week, your relative position will change. Is it up or down? Being a GOOD Sagittarius, I’m pretty sure that it’s getting better. In fact, there should be cosmic cookie delivered this week. Long overdue, if you ask me. I’m sure you’ll agree. There’s nothing better than having your enemy’s head served to you for breakfast. Around here, we call it Barbacoa.
Capricorn : There’s always one Capricorn who complains. Nothing I can do for that one person. And rather than give the whole sign a bad reputation, I keep in mind that there is only one complainer. This is not a week for complaining. This is a good week. Earth signs in general are having a good time, and Capricorn is highlighted as the sign of the week. In fact, 3 out of 4 Capricorn’s are voted to be the most fortunate sign this week. I would raise the numbers to something like 9 out of 10, but I’m sure I’ll hear from at least a few who aren’t having such a wonderful time. However, the stars (more like Saturn and Mercury) suggest that this is a good week. Do something with the positive flow of energy.
Aquarius : We have a pile of planets in Taurus right now. In fact, this pile of planets in Taurus is going to look like a pile of something else. Modesty forbids me to use the real word, but I think you get the picture. While this isn’t going to smell bad to every sign, this week has that unmistakable aroma of bait gone bad. There was little Sushi Bar that had Tuesday night special because all the fresh fish was delivered on Wednesday. Wednesday morning was great time to head over there and pick up some stinking bait, the stuff which was left over for the whole week. Catfish loved it. Fishing partners did not love it. You can make something out of this week, but it’s going to smell like that week-old sushi.
Pisces : Back in my golden days of motorcycle riding, there was term I recall, “WFO,” and I’m pretty sure it Wide Full Open, as in reference to the throttle. It was a term of endearment, and since I’m moved to use a term of endearment for Pisces — always endearing Pisces — I would suggest that the particular alluded to term from my motorcycle vocabulary is part of your vocabulary this week. Crank it on, twist that grip as far as it will go, and blaze on down the road. Don’t let anything stop you, slow you down, or get in your way. There is another term, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for a family oriented astrologer to use. But you get the picture. Nail it down and go.